
OÜ Miil takes care of all transit declarations. However, in order to focus on our principal activity and avoid any additional unrelated duties, we use the help of our partners in completing the declarations. This allows us to provide the highest-quality service to ensure the satisfaction of our customers.

Our declaration partners

We order declarations from leading companies in the field. Our main parthers are Schenker, Holship, Combidek, and A-Tolliagentuur.

In the process, we just forward the declarations to our good partners. Since we do not mediate, we do not ask for a commission fee. As previously mentioned, by delegating declarations to our well trusted partners we can concentrate on transport and the rest of our container related services with the highest quality.

Transport of goods across the sea

Declarations and shipping services across the sea is not our main activity. However we will make sure to find you trusted partner for such case providing top quality service.
We do not mediate but guide you to the right company, who will provide service package from factory to front door.
OÜ Miil provides transportation of freight in an intermodal container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transportation to the fullest of extent.

We usually use a crane or a sideloader for lifting the containers.
More difficult places will be solved with a RAM backloader.

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